Acupuncture Treatment- Is it for YOU?

Acupuncture Treatment has been around for thousands of years. How do you decide if it is for you? Consider these thoughts:

Is Acupuncture for You?

Acupuncture treatment

Reflect for a moment on your health…

Parts of this article are: Courtesy of: Maryland University of Integrative Health [formally, Tai Sophia Institute] 

How do you imagine your health will be in 10 years? …in 20 years?
Acupuncture treatments could be helpful to you. Traditional acupuncture, proven effective over thousands of years, is directed toward wellness, vitality, balance, longevity, and the ability to live fully with the pain and the joy of life. Chinese medicine and Western medicine are different. However, they complement each other. Acupuncture is an ancient approach addressing modern concerns, effective in a wide range of complaints.

Here are situations in which you may consider trying acupuncture:

If you have any chronic symptoms or illnesses, whether physical, mental or emotional in nature
If your daily activities place great demands on your vitality and well-being
If you can imagine being more balanced, more vital than you are now
If you are committed to improving the quality of your life and that of your family…
Perhaps acupuncture can serve you.

What you thought was inevitable may not be.
Most people expect their wellness to decline over the next 10 to 20 years, anticipating similar health concerns evident in their families, or breakdowns in their health from habits and lifestyle. While this may happen for some, our patients have seen their predicted futures of ill health changed to wellness.

What is acupuncture?
It is likely that more people have been treated by Chinese medicine throughout history than by any other formalized system of medicine. Also, this model of medical practice is based on natural laws describing the movement of life in nature and the body.

Everyone is talking about Qi–what is it? 

This life force, called Qi [pronounced chee], courses through the body in channels similar to rivers that course through the earth. Health is in balance when the Qi is full and moving properly in the body. When the Qi is stuck, Illness or ‘dis-ease’ can occur. Even everyday events like deadlines and disappointments can disrupt the harmonious movement of Qi. Compounded over time these events can lead to symptoms later. Therefore, intervention now treats the underlying imbalances rather than only the most obvious symptoms. In addition, treatment now may prevent symptoms later.

Acupuncture treatment

Acupuncture treatment: What is the scope of benefits?

Traditional Chinese acupuncture is often effective with a surprising range of complaints. These include but are not limited to: headaches, allergies, chronic fatigue and depression. In addition, Acupuncture treats other diseases like back pain, digestive disorders, joint pain, menstrual disorders. More importantly, it treats Stress, Infertility, sleeping problems, asthma, and addictions. Additionally, Acupuncture is helpful for many severe chronic illnesses, complaints that have no easily determined cause, and for nagging chronic conditions as well.

With ongoing treatment for maintenance and health promotion, you will find more balance in body, mind and spirit. Thousands of years of practice backs up the efficacy of Acupuncture treatment.

Based on clinical and research-based evidence, Acupuncture practitioners make these claims:

you will tend to get sick less often and recover more quickly
your vitality and stamina will improve
you will be more able to take care of your own health
your relationships with others will deepen and become more harmonious
health problems other than those for which you entered treatment are likely to clear up
you will have reductions in long-term health care costs

Acupuncture treatment

Acupuncture Treatment–is it for you?

What is the relationship between acupuncture and other medical care?
Acupuncture is concerned with the whole person and addresses itself to many levels of functioning. Furthermore, it is also a particular form of treatment with its own limitations.  Therefore, it is best to use Acupuncture in conjunction with other health-promoting practices. 

In addition, Acupuncture practitioners cooperate with other health providers. They do not recommend altering medications or other therapies without consulting their personal physician or provider. Go here to find a directory of practitioners near you.